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Tag: bolt-action

Remington 700 SPS

Remington 700 Left Handed Rifles

The veritable Remington 700, probably the best selling hunting rifle of all time. It is estimated that over 5 million rifles have been sold since its introduction in 1962. RemingtonContinue readingRemington 700 Left Handed Rifles

Savage Storm

Savage Arms: Savage Centerfire Left Handed Rifles

When you’re looking for a left handed rifle, Savage Arms is one of the more prolific companies out there. They have one of the largest left handed offerings among majorContinue readingSavage Arms: Savage Centerfire Left Handed Rifles

Savage AXIS

Savage Re-introduces Left handed Axis Rifles

Savage has taken care of the left handed hunter again by including us with the newly updated AXIS II line of rifles. These entry level, but full featured, left handedContinue readingSavage Re-introduces Left handed Axis Rifles